Atlanta Tourism Updates (Sep 26, 2023)

Atlanta Tourism Updates – September 26, 2023

Chubby’s Pub & Grill For Sale

Chubby’s has been listed for sale. They will remain open until sold, so continue to promote them to visitors.

Building Sold

The green building on Arch Street, on the other side of the park from the new museum, has been sold at auction. There is no information on the buyer or the expected use. Closing is expected within a few weeks. There are several rumors floating around town, but nothing has been confirmed at this time.

The Gift Box

Over the weekend, visitors who were sent to The Gift Box returned and reported that someone there said The Gift Box was permanently closed and no longer in business. At this point, this is NOT confirmed. I’ve reached out to them over the past several days, but have not heard back from the owner.

If anyone has information on this situation, please let me know.

Window Blinds Install at the Museum

The American Giants Museum will have blinds installed on the windows on October 5, 2023, between noon and 3:00pm. The museum will remain open during this work.

Life Safety Equipment

The American Giants Museum now has Life Safety equipment installed, including exit signs, fire extinguishers, and a first aid kit (under the counter). Please note these when you attend your next shift.

Museum Construction/Work

The museum’s grounds (behind the museum with the Snerd giant) is expected to be filled with top soil sometime in the next couple of weeks. The ‘bubbler’ water fountain will be installed in the Spring.

A new door inside the back room will be installed this week.

Museum Front Drive

The front drive area of the American Giants Museum is not for public parking or use. We have some cones blocking the drive, but some visitors are ignoring or moving them to pull their vehicles up for a photo. Please discourage this activity.


Volunteers, please check the online schedule and schedule yourself through the end of October 28th. We’ve lost some volunteers due to health and seasonal reasons, so we have open shifts available.