Museum Updates

Some Updates…

New Entrance Railing

A new railing has been installed at the American Giants Museum. This is to address all the trips with the small curb in front of the door. A new round “watch your step” sign will be installed at a later date.

Emergency Kit

Because of the front step/curb tripping issues, I’ve put together a small Emergency Kit. It’s a small, red box and is located under the counter.

This kit should be used if assisting with any incidents. We’ve had one accident where a visitor fell and had a serious injury and was bloody. When assisting someone, please wear a pair of the gloves located in the Emergency Kit! This is primarily for YOUR protection! Other items included are gauze, bandages, alcohol cleaning pads, and an instant cold pack. Use whatever is needed for the situation.

Of course, contact Emergency Services if needed.

If you have any accident in the museum or on the property, report it to me as soon as possible.

The Atlanta Betterment Fund will supply a permanent Emergency Kit in the near future.


Check the bathroom for supplies and to make sure it is clean. The paper towel dispenser key is now hanging in the storage room. If there is an issue with the bathroom not being clean, please address it if you wish. Cleaning is not part of your job as a volunteer, but if you can, it would be helpful. Otherwise, contact me and I’ll have it addressed as needed.


Please follow the cards for Opening and Closing. A few things are being forgotten or missed. This card is there to help.